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Joining a Pool
What are the best ways to connect with fellow poolers?
A great feature of Pando is that we aim to make connecting with pool mates easy for you and other poolers.
Joining a Pool
So, what happens in a pool meeting?
As a new pooler, your first monthly meeting will include introductions, plus a mastermind session or the discussion of a topic that is pressing for a member of your pools.
Joining a Pool
How do you encourage more engagement from your pool mates?
If you're not getting as much communication or connection from your pool mates as you'd like, this is the post for you.
Joining a Pool
How do you use Treehouse, Pando's invite-only Slack community?
The most important part of utilizing Treehouse is by making sure you are on your pool’s private channel.
Joining a Pool
How do you ask your fellow poolers for advice?
Your pool members are here for you, because when one of you wins, all of you win.
Joining a Pool
Your pool is vetting new members, what should you look for in a new pooler?
Your pool should bring you into conversations about the type of new members you are looking to add.
Joining a Pool
You just received a welcome packet, what now?
Your welcome packet is sitting patiently in your inbox waiting to be read.
Joining a Pool