How do you ask your fellow poolers for advice?

Your pool members are here for you, because when one of you wins, all of you win.
Pando Team

If you’re needing some professional advice from a fellow pooler, make sure to check out their preferred communication method through your pool directory which is linked on Treehouse and in your Hub.

The directory will have each pooler’s preferred way to be contacted.

Once you know their preferred method, reach out through Slack, text, phone call, etc. You can also simply message them on Treehouse or follow up through email or your pool’s Treehouse channel if they don’t respond through their preferred method.

If you are running into obstacles (their phone number doesn’t work or you don’t hear from them for a week or two) reach out to Pando. We can provide context (if they’re out of town) or reach out and see if they are available to connect with you.

A note to remember is that many of our poolers are busy people and that life events might make someone unavailable for a day or two. Give poolers a week to respond before following up or before asking Pando to follow up with them.

Key Takeaways:

  • Check out their preferred communication method through your pool directory
  • Reach out through Slack, text, phone call, etc
  • If you are running into obstacles (their phone number doesn’t work or you don’t hear from them for a week or two) reach out to Pando.