One of the great benefits of joining a pool is that it comes with a build-in community.
A great feature of Pando is that we aim to make connecting with pool mates easy for you and other poolers. We have your pool mate’s preferences included in your pool’s directory (great time to remind you to please fill out the form after joining a pool) which you can easily reference to help connect with your fellow pool members.
You can find your pool’s directory in your pool’s Hub or in your private Treehouse channel on Slack.
Head over to your pool directory, check out your pool mate’s preferences and try to connect with one or two every month. This can be through 1:1’s, Slack chats, or phone calls-- whatever works best for you + your fellow poolers. You can also check the directory for other members outside your own pool, which we encourage you to do.
Key Takeaways:
- Check your pool directory for your pool mate's communication preferences.
- Make sure you are signed into Treehouse with notifications on.
- Try to connect with one or two members.