How do you interview new potential poolers?

How to conduct a pool interview to determine if a candidate is a good fit.
Pando Team

So, you founded a pool but now you want to add new members.

Choosing the right new member can be hard when there are so many great options. Here we will dive into that process and the best practices to help your Pando community grow.

Communicate with your founding pool members on three points of evaluation:

1. The type of pool member you want.

Look around at your current pool, what is common between yourself and your other members? What makes you respect the people in your pool? Sometimes it is hard to articulate overall what type of member you might want, so spend some time with your pool looking at what you already have and acknowledge what you might be missing out on. These can all be characteristics, professions, and archetypes that you want to add to your pool. This also is a great topic to communicate to Pando advisors as they help find new poolers with you.

2. The questions asked in the interview process.

Below is a list of possible interview questions. These should be tweaked and personalized to your pool, but they are a great starting point to find inspiration. We recommend having a mixture of both professional-oriented questions and personal questions that help you understand the interviewee’s character.

If you are new to the interview process, don’t worry! Practice with a fellow pool founder who is also new to interviewing and give each other tips.

Through this process, you can lean on your fellow pool mates and get their support especially since the result affects all members.

The key takeaways here:

Decide the qualifiers that you want to evaluate candidates on, meet with the candidate prior to voting if possible, communicate with your pool on your thoughts, and ask questions that align with your qualifiers--the process of vetting new members will run smoothly.

And to make the process even smoother, here are our recommended interview questions:

  • What’s your background?
  • What are you currently doing, and why?
  • What's your ideal career path going forward?
  • What do you do in your free time?
  • What experiences have influenced you?
  • What are some of your contrarian beliefs?
  • What are you looking to get out of pooling?
  • What’s your earliest childhood memory?
  • What gets you up in the morning / keeps you up at night?
  • Okay, you’re the President of the United States. What’s the one issue you’re going to tackle during your term in office?

3. Positive indicators of a good match. The answers may indicate that the candidate might be a good fit.

So you’ve identified the type of pool member you want to look for and the questions you will ask them, now it is time to think about how those two combine. This might take some interviews to understand, but soon you’ll be able to pick apart the green and red flags in each candidate.

Have more questions? Reach out to a pool advisor.

Key Takeaways:

  • Make sure to communicate throughout the process.
  • Make a list of your interview questions before interviewing candidates.
  • Find a good mixture of professional and personality based questions.